Coupon Clipping Party!
This week I was asked to make some invitations for a Coupon Clipping party, which I had never heard of before but that sounded like a fun idea. After doing so research into 'Coupon parties' (thanks to google) I found out some fun things about how to host a coupon clipping party and thought I'd share them with you.
Coupon clipping seems to be a growing trend with several reality television programs following extreme coupon clippers and their goals to not pay a penny for their weekly grocery shop. There are many tricks and tips to learn to become a savvy coupon clipper so having a party is a great way to share the tips with everyone you know! Here are five easy ways to throw a coupon party yourself!
1) Invite every single person you know. But always leave the kids at home! Some of your childless friends won't appreciate the distraction, and besides, clipping coupons is hard enough work without dealing with the little ones every five minutes.
2) Have plenty of beverages & simple finger food on hand. Coffee/ tea/ juice and plenty of finger food works best~ you'll being touching every single coupon you clip with your bare hands, so you want simple, non- messy snacks that aren't greasy and won't spill.
3) Everybody brings papers. Ask each person to bring X number of papers for maximum coupon effectiveness. While one friend may not need her coupons for men's razors or diapers- coupons new parents would use- she could trade them with another friend who was a new parent.
4) Sundays work best! While most papers have fliers or coupon inserts almost every day of the week, Sundays are the gold mine of coupons; here you'll find three major coupon inserts: P&G, Smart Source and Red Plum. You're certain to find a use for almost every coupon in these inserts.
5) Keep it fun.Turn on the radio. Play "coupon poker" using coupons, instead of money/ poker chips for your antes. Include coupons for your friend's favorite products in her next birthday card. Play coupon bingo. Or start a facebook page/ yahoo group for your very own 'coupon club'~ this makes it easier for all of your friends to stay informed. Always help your friends, and in return, they'll help you back!
Here are the invitations that I made for my customer for her Coupon Party!
So why don't you plan a fun coupon clipping party yourself, and be on your way to saving $$$$.
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